I can't stop loving you
I can't stop loving you So I've made up my mind
To live in memory of the lonesome times
我無法不愛你 我已下定決心 忍受孤獨生活在愛的回憶裏
I can't stop wanting you It's useless to say
So I'll just live my life in dreams of yesterday (*)
我無法停止不想你 多說其實無益 我將永遠活在往日的舊夢中
**Those happy hours that we once knew
Though long ago, still make me blue
They say that time heals a broken heart
But time has stood still since we've been apart (**)
雖然事隔多年,依然令我難以釋懷 人們說時間可以治療心靈的創痛 但自我倆分手後,時間並沒有撫平我心靈的創痛