Knock three time/The Dawn
Hey girl what you doing down there? Dancing alone every night While I live right above you
嘿!女孩,你在樓下做什麼?整晚一個人跳著舞 而我就住在你的樓上
**I can hear the music playing I can feel your body swaying One floor below me You don't even know me I love you
我聽到音樂在播放著 我感覺到你扭動著身軀
不過是一樓之隔 你卻不知道我愛你
*Oh my darling Knocks three times on the ceiling if you want me Twice on the pipe if the answer is no. Oh my sweetness, knocks three times Means you'll meet me in the hallway Twice on the pipe Means you ain't gonna show
噢!親愛的 如果你需要我,在天花板敲三下 如果答案是" 不 ",敲水管兩下 噢!甜心,敲三下 表示你會在走廊和我見面 敲水管兩下 表示你不會出現
If you look out your window tonight, Pull in the string with the note That's attached to my heart Read how many times I saw you
How in my silence I adored you And only in my dreams Did that wall between us come apart ? ( * )
Hey girl what you doing down there? Dancing alone every night While I live right above you
嘿!女孩,你在樓下做什麼?整晚一個人跳著舞 而我就住在你的樓上
**I can hear the music playing I can feel your body swaying One floor below me You don't even know me I love you
我聽到音樂在播放著 我感覺到你扭動著身軀
不過是一樓之隔 你卻不知道我愛你
*Oh my darling Knocks three times on the ceiling if you want me Twice on the pipe if the answer is no. Oh my sweetness, knocks three times Means you'll meet me in the hallway Twice on the pipe Means you ain't gonna show
噢!親愛的 如果你需要我,在天花板敲三下 如果答案是" 不 ",敲水管兩下 噢!甜心,敲三下 表示你會在走廊和我見面 敲水管兩下 表示你不會出現
If you look out your window tonight, Pull in the string with the note That's attached to my heart Read how many times I saw you
How in my silence I adored you And only in my dreams Did that wall between us come apart ? ( * )
今晚,如果你往窗外看 將綁著紙條的繩子拉下來
隨信附上的可是我的心喔! 請你了解我已看著你多少次 卻只能在沉默中愛慕著你 還有只能在夢裡